Shotcut Video Filter: Shapes

Author: Namna©2022 Licence: MIT

Shapes is a Shotcut Video Filter that creates shapes. The shapes are highly configurable and can have a rotation. Most of the parameters can be keyframed.

Filter Parameters
Name Description
Shape The shape required: Single line, Angle, Sectors, N sides shape, Rectangle, Rectangle Wrap, Circle, Circumference, Ellipse, Triangle, Trapezoid, Right trapezoid, X sides shape, Arrow, V shape, Hexagon, Parallelogram, Octagon, Cross, Star, Heart.
Position The x, y position of the shape in the frame.
Size The width and height of the shape (ratio can be locked).
Alignment Another way of manipulating position.
Rotation The angle at which the shape is positioned.
[specific] The type of this parameter depends upon the shape.
Outline A multiplier for the thickness of the outline.
Border/Line The thickness of the outline.
Joints & Caps Whether these are mitred, rounded or beveled.
Color & OpacityThe color and opacity of the shape and background.

Download: ZIP file


  1. Download the ZIP file above, either by clicking it, or right-clicking and choosing "Save target as";
  2. Extract the Zipfile into your Shotcut filters folder (directory), which is beneath the folder in which Shotcut is installed. For example on Windows systems it may be:
     C:\Program Files\Shotcut\share\shotcut\qml\filters 
    while on linux it may be:
  3. Start Shotcut and the new filter will appear in the list of video filters.



The videos below were made using the Shapes filter.