Shotcut Video Filter: Text: Webvfx

Author: Namna©2022 Licence: MIT

Text: Webvfx is a Shotcut Video Filter that creates colourful text on the frame. The text is highly configurable and can have a rotation. Most of the parameters can be keyframed. It really is a very detailed filter, capable of producing some spectacular text effects.

Filter Parameters
Name Description
[Various] There are so many parameters for this filter, that it is easier to say "Try it and experiment with it yourself". See the video below for more details.

Download: ZIP file


  1. Download the ZIP file above, either by clicking it, or right-clicking and choosing "Save target as";
  2. Extract the Zipfile into your Shotcut filters folder (directory), which is beneath the folder in which Shotcut is installed. For example on Windows systems it may be:
     C:\Program Files\Shotcut\share\shotcut\qml\filters 
    while on linux it may be:
  3. Start Shotcut and the new filter will appear in the list of video filters.



The video below shows the Text: Webvfx filter being used. It is an excellent tutorial lasting just over 8 minutes, that demonstrates the function of the majority of the parameters.